To motivate me to continue working on the project I'm uploading a WIP version of a platformer I've been making.
Feel free to offer feedback but I know it's rough around the edges!
Latest changes:
- Improved jump physics
- Particle collisions on death
Check out my other games!

pretty tough, maybe let up a little on the speed and be a little less sensitive? i dig the graphics, so nice job. also, a few times I got stuck in the middle of a platform, but was able to jump "out"
Nice work so far though, keep it up. Looking forward to seeing more of it.

I too like the graphics. However I went through first door and I'm in an infinte loop of death. (At least the death is pretty)

@SquidLight you gotta finesse that little dude to the left a tad, then immediately back to the right if it's where I got stuck for a handful of deaths. i can't remember exactly where I got stuck, but I think he spawned right on top of something.

Yeah the levels are a bit punishing mainly to help me develop mechanics and animations. Over the xmas break I'll design actual levels to replace them with.
Today I added a more readable end screen for those trying it out in the mean time.

i really like where this is going, looks great so far! i found a tiny issue. not sure if it's the gap or the vertical, didn't look at the code.

Thanks for the gif @tjbynum
Pretty sure that's a bug I have where the player is slightly inside the wall while in the wall jump state, then the collision check for the floor is missing the tile on the left and continuing to fall. Will look into it eventually.
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