Thick line drawing routine (as a reply to @JadeLombax Twitter).
linefill x0 y0 x1 y1 r [col] draw a 2*r pixel wide line note: r must be >= 0.5 to produce meaningful results note: the code uses sub-pixel precision rasterization, allowing smooth movement |
-- 4 pixel wide white line linefill(45,34,67,96,2,7) |

Looks nice, I'll have to try and figure out how it works. You said this is a reply to something from me on Twitter?

The code is neat, the only "issue" I had is that I can't find a combination of values where the thick line and a circfill can agree on the same size. Besides that, it's perfect.

not a surprise - I don’t use the same rounding as native pico8 functions.
if you want an exact match, strip the ‘sub-pixel’ part from my code.
(but at the cost of a lot more pixel jerkiness)

That's why I placed "issue" it in quotes :)
I tinkered aground with it a bit, and found something that n should work well for the idea I have in mind.

the linefill code can be easily extended to draw arbitrary convex polygons. You can draw joints with the same pixel rules

Thanks for this. I realised I needed a thick line routine and this is perfect.
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