This is the final version, It's been one hell of a ride and one I thank you all for, and please tell me if you beat hard mode...
And yes the skulls are supposed to spawn on the snake, I removed it, but found it funner with it on.
Also I would recommend not asking me to make the game faster until after you have played it all, lol you'll understand soon...

@0liverTr33, it's the time between turns, change it and you have more time between turns, but in this version the game gets faster, so you would have to disable some scripts.

Game looks great so far! Can't wait for the finished product!

pretty fun. :D
i do wish it would show the score when you fail greatly

I will now list my inspirations and helpers:
@Krystman, he helped me make the game what it is in the polished, and debugged form...
@indutny, he gave me the idea of a snake game with "Snake-Like" and gifted me Pico-8.
@BlueBunnex, their game, "60 Second Delivery" almost certainly gave me the idea for the timer.
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