To achieve this, put all of your draw calls in the _update function. If I understood things right, _draw calls get skipped when CPU time goes too high, but _update calls get executed always, even if they would take too long to be in time for the current frame. So if you put your draw code inside the _update function, then instead of skipping frames, the execution should actually slow down.

@Mugen2411 This seems to be an example of what @Decidetto is talking about:
function _init() frames=0 omgwaytoolong=32000 end function _update() for i=1,omgwaytoolong do oof=sqrt(i) end frames+=1 draw() end function draw() cls() print(" time:"..t()) print("frames:"..frames) print(" fps:"..(frames/t())) print(" cpu:"..stat(1)) circ(frames%128,64,10) flip() end |
You can see how long it takes "1 second" to pass.

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