Second version!
I´ve polished the game a little bit and fixed some minor bugs
New store: weaponry
New weapons: mega sword and club
SFX:I have improved (kinda) the sfx, because I didn´t like the old ones
Longer story
For those who didn´t play the original version(most of the people)
The Monk is a game in wich you play a monk who is in search of his true self
To do that he crosses deserts with foxes and snakes, while drinking water regularly, because it is super important
How to play
Use the arrows to move. You have got 30 seconds for each water jar you drink
If you run out of water, you die
Don´t use all your money on weapons, but weapons are also important. It´s all about equilibrium
Special thanks
Again to Dylan Bennet ( @MBoffin) for showing me the ropes and to everyone who gave a star to the original The Monk, because that meant a lot to me. I know it is not a great game, but you made me think of doing more games. Thanks @doczi_dominik for telling me about the gruber sfx and music tutorials
Please tell me what do you think of the game.
Post if you win
Thanks a lot
Platypus Inc.
Play the original game here

i could help you with the graphics if knowed how to send them to you, since i make them on liko12 (wich the only diferrence betwen liko12 and pico 8 is the coding part but that's not important in this case


I edited my last post for you to see
Those tutorials helped me a lot

If you want i could create a thread for you to ask people
The url is up there

You will see my game isnt so different from the one of the tutorials

Please post images if you win
I want to know how difficult it is to adjust it
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