A Messenger's Tale
Small RPG by JustFire45
This game is also on itch.io!
If you're stuck on a boss, here's a list of all the attacks and how to avoid them: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W_Es0RyfjGrkglvmxYQ82PdW34Cisggv8SzUXQCdmUc/edit?usp=sharing]
Plot Summary
The Royal Messenger is asked to deliver a very important letter to the East Kingdom, and stumbles across a rare and powerful artifact.
Pieces of equipment are hidden in various places, and can help you a lot in battles. Try finding some!
Book - 8 ATK
Baseball Bat - 10 ATK
Shortsword - 12 ATK
Harpoon Gun - 15 ATK
Clothes - 0 DEF
Dad's Shirt - 5 DEF
Brown Hoodie - 10 DEF

Found baseball bat by doing nothing
then can't beat the king
i quit

I beat the king after I got better at the combat system, but the Goblin King is kind of difficult since the patterns seem random.

Yeah, it's way too hard. Even with the harpoon gun (I could never find the hoodie) the goblin king is a beast. 2 or 3 successful hits and you're dead, and blocking is next to impossible. I'm getting better, but I'm not enjoying it.
EDIT: I take it back. I started from the beginning and found the black hoodie, and the goblin king is still hitting me for 40 points or more. AP does nothing. I'm done until this updates.

Sorry for the late reply.

Short and sweet, I completed it! I enjoyed the mini cut scene animations with the goblins and soldiers, and the difficulty of the bosses ramped up but I was able to handle them without too much trouble. Gave me an adrenaline rush when everything was shaking at the end! Nice job making an engaging mini rpg. I would enjoy playing a longer sequel!

Really fun, and I like the creative battle system. It's pretty tough and I haven't beaten the goblin king yet, but I like what you've done here. Great work!
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