Finally got around to uploading my game from Ludum Dare 42, my first BBS post!
It scored pretty well which was great to see, hope you enjoy it!
Scores out of 1056 entries:
Overall: #142
Fun: #142
Innovation: #52
Theme: #68
Graphics: #149
Audio: #88
Humor: #194
Mood: #141

Really good, but you forgot the VIDEO GAME RING (for your index finger). :)

On the results screen, the number of coins keep flashing into different numbers when I got 0. Not sure what's going on there!

I don't know if it's just me, but the jump mechanic is far, FAR too unforgiving. Even on the largest screen size, you need absolutely frame-perfect precision to be able to clear the crates. You're simply not in the air for long enough. The game-over screen reckons I hit all 31 crates.
As a concept, this is great, and graphically, it's pretty impressive for a PICO-8 game. But the unforgiving jumps just completely ruin it for me.

fun, but theres a really easy way to cheat by holding both up and down at the same time.
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