This is my first creation. I've picked easy subject to focus on tool and creation.
Hope you like it. Any comments and suggestions kindly appreciated.
I've reached tokens limit, so that is the end of this little project :). Im must admit it was a pleasure to struggle again with low level hardware programming like peek and poke, screen memory, memory addressing.
- fix: rolled/timed power-up is now turned off at the and of level
- minor bugs fixed
- visual effects minor improvements
- start screen music changed
- game-over screen background music added
- fireworks error fixed
- fade out effect between levels
- credits scroll fixed
- particle system improvement
- CPU heavy load intro code turned off
- end of level fireworks added
- improved ricochet angles
- small UI improvements
- ball vs player collision improvements
- extra live powerup added
- energy initialization fixed
- added 30fps support for better compatibility with all devices
(it requires gamespeed variable modification directly in code) - times changes for rolled powerups,
- rolled power ups no longer lasts cross levels
- fire shot no longer is rolled,
- player movement is slowed down for improved difficulty
- mr spot electric simulation improvement
- multiball is triggered only by primary ball
- secondary balls collision issue fixed
- aiming works after sticky hands release the ball
- missing fade-out effect in instruction screen fixed
- new game init fixed,
- added "take me to" functionality

I like it, good work. The aiming mechanic is nice. Played it until my ball disappeared in a strange bug, score overflowed, and i guess the game didn't reset properly after i lost, so i got unlimited balls and i had no hearts left :) Also some kind of multiball + sticky ball + fire shot combo caused a non-stop stream of fire shots to shoot while the ball was on the platform. Aside from bugs, it feels like a solid game.

Thank you for comments. I've fixed player statistics reinitialization after game over. I'm working o other issues, but there are hard to replicate

When I saw this cart I half expected Eiffel 65 - Blue to be the soundtrack :D I enjoyed this breakout clone. I too enjoyed the aiming mechanic. Nice work.

I had in plans to add this piece to the game, but i still hesitate. Maybe as a background for credits screen.

Good Work Rotar. Great gfx, msx and some interesting features. I like it! :)

Very good Game, great details and high variety for such a simple concept. I really like it! :)

becomes much funnier atfer you get several bonuses
I still don't understand why my ball gets speedy gonzales sometimes there is too much stuff on the screen and it's hard to follow the ball though
BUG: if you quickly complete the level when you have a timed bonus, you will get it forever
So I had all bonuses forever and could win without launching my ball (just using the multiballs to do all the job)

Thank you for testing and good comments.
I've fixed bug related to the timed bonus.
For time to time ball could speed up due to lack of velocity vector normalization. It provides some surprising randomness to the game, i will keep it so far (definitely not by design:) )

i think you should make the ball speed slow when starting the game, and the longer you keep it alive, the speeder it becomes
also the more you use bonus, the quicker the ball too
and there could be a way to reset the speed

I like the game. It's fun and simple. Good job. I like the power ups.
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