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Cart #50421 | 2018-03-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Now that Celeste has graduated from being a PICO-8 game to a full release, I thought it would be fun to backport the game's music to PICO-8. Here's a small cover of the chapter 1 theme.



That's just fantastic.


That's great! Nice to hear a proper tune in PICO...

Very well made!!

/ Pingo


Magnificent. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about this. How about that Confronting Myself, yo?

how would i transcribe the choir?

That's a good, tricky thing to ask. I'm not 100% sure, but if an 8-bit Aqua Road can pull this stuff off, I'm sure it's possible.

TBH, I'm still learning my way around the sound composer, myself. You're already way ahead of me here.

I think the pitch or instrument choice is off (not sure which), but something like...

I think you'll want to follow Shinkai Setsuna for a little while. Just putting it out there. :D

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