Not that the built in editor isn't wonderful, but sometimes I feel more comfortable in good ol' Vim. This color scheme helps me stay in the pico spirit while working in Vim.

Huh, VIM actually is really close to pico-8 code editor in its feel... Great job!

I'm not sure if this is still maintained, but this is helpful for working in vim:
Not sure if anyone else is maintaining an active fork?
It looks like other people have done stuff I'll have to pull into my fork.

I just updated my fork with the changes from @ryanford:

I'm trying to use this on a raspberry pi. I'm very new to vim and linux. I'm wondering if someone can give me some pointers on how to get the pico syntax working. I got the color scheme to work but not the syntax. Do I need to add something to my .vimrc file?
I got it working by adding this to my vimrc
set filetype plugin indent on
Now to see if I can build from vim.
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