
MOVE: Arrow keys
1.3 Birthday update
- Remade level generation, now rooms are hand made(random order) but items are random placed
- Made new animations on player and items
- Room transitions
- Made ui more clear and better looking
- Remade sprites for visibility
- Better shop
- Bugfixes
- And probably more!
Happy birthday brother!
- Reworked movement system, should be a lot easier
- Made it more clear when towers stop shooting
- Some small ui and gameplay changes
- No chrash when placing bombs outside of map
- New sprite on item pickup
- Fixed instant win bug
- Small fixes
Some small tips
You always take one step, then all enemies takes their coresponding steps. Making a move does not count as a step, so use this to you advantage!
Keys open doors, however this is not the only way to go to next level, bombs works great!
Green potions gives you a random power to use so grab them if you can!
Crabs only takes one step so I would recommend to not use any weapons to destroy them.
The red mouth traps can hurt both you and enemies so be careful!
Snakes moves like towers in chess!
- Towers only shoot if there are enemies on the level!
Stay awesome!

It's a little hard to figure out but very impressive ! I'll have to come back to this one to figure it out better.

@~firefly~ Thanks! Will try to write something here on the page to help out! :)

Good game but that's too easy, I died because i didn't understand I was getting shot but otherwise I always have tons of keys, too many items etc...

Thanks floman, I made it slightly harder now, but I really did not want it to be too hard :)
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