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Eamon requested the robot as a _char, so I did it. Have fun editing!

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Cart #4439 | 2011-11-15 | Embed ▽ | No License

Don't forget to set your VOB (Voxel Object Bank) to 6, otherwise you would probably overwrite any other objects!

Thanks is a good help.



Don't forget to set your VOB (Voxel Object Bank) to 6, otherwise you would probably overwrite any other objects!

This is a good point and something I didn't know. I was wondering why my VOBS would load to slot 1. Did -not- know the last one you're on is where a file will load to. Methinks someone might need to cover all these lil' things in a FAQ of somesort.

Hate to be that guy, but your robot character isn't a perfect replica of the default character :/

Cart #4123 | 2011-11-12 | Embed ▽ | No License

I don't really like to hijack threads, but this model I uploaded is much closer to the original.

I think it's in the vox.txt file


To load a voxel bank file, select the voxel bank you want to overwrite
first and then load the file.

Doh.. I must have missed this.. Thanks. :P

Thanks to both of you! I already copied over the robot to make Chell, but I think this is still a really good resource to have around.

Also turns out it's really hard to create nice-looking portal gun in like a 4x4 space, so I just gave Chell an orange jumpsuit and some nice hair and called it a day (it's not like you can actually place portals in the level so I guess it's not so bad).

qbicfeet I forgot the red eyes and had 1 vox too much in the back, that's true thanks for updating my version. But your shooting animation isn't the same either :P

If there would just be an option to update maps, I don't want to add another one D:

And by the way, you can be "the guy". It's okay for me if there's someone who has the attention for it :)

Okay then, now we have two custom character templates but they are both WRONG. Shall I make a third and reverse the sword of fortune's animation so he's left-handed but still swings right to left and tout it as the perfect original, too?

It's updated now.

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