Take on the role of Bomber, a magical curious creature who in ready for a new adventure. Jump, dodge, stomp and bomb your way through this intense retro arcade game.
Hope you guys enjoy the game!
Code, Pixels & Design: @melvinsa
Sound & Music: @gruber_music
Promo/Banner Art: @laufman

Thanks @notegui! Glad you like it.
I did not include it in the download links but will gladly add it in there as well if you are interested. The executable is the html5 export wrapped in nw.js.

Really spectacular work! I love your design choices around times, lives, and bombs. Took me a while to understand how it all comes together, but once I did it was great. Reminded me of playing games as a kid, and trying to figure out all the weird rules that make them tick (Bubble Bobble of course being one of those and an inspiration here I bet).
Suggestion: A the start of the game show just the countdown in the center of the screen, to help emphasize that you have limited time.
(btw you spelled @gruber_music wrong in your post)

Oops, Thanks @mhughson.
The gameplay was definitely inspired by the early arcade / nes game. No hand holding or tutorials. Just jump in and figure it out. Bubble Bobble was one of the bigger inspiration for this game for sure.
I do like your suggestion. It will put a bit more emphasis on the countdown clock and how important it is to the game.
Thanks for the comment and playing :)

This game is amazing! It got a bit easy towards the end, just because you have nearly unlimited time. I think after level 8 or 9, I went from having like 8 minutes left all the way up to like 32 minutes, and after that I didn't need to worry about time anymore. Not sure if that was some kind of glitch or not.
LEVEL: 20/20
SCORE: 20090
LVL AVR: 00:00:00 (I guess this is glitched)
RUN TIME: 10:17:93 (01:42:06)

Thanks Scathe. It is definitely a bug. I think I saw it once but I couldn't duplicate it. I will see if I can track this one down and fix it.

This wouldn't feel out of place in an actual arcade. Great job!

This is a hard game but I love it. The furthest I've managed to get is level 15 before running out of time. The gameplay is really well thought out here.
I love how chaotic some of the levels get and those brief moments of brilliance where you feel like a platforming god shortly before you walk straight into an enemy and die. A single screen platformer like this with no scrolling makes a refreshing change.
I usually try and complete a game before making a video about it, but this was too good to pass up.
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