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Final Edit: ultrabrite has pointed out that zep's official word on it is

"Multicart exports offer a way to package and distribute what you can already do with local files (e.g. zipping up a group of carts), but isn't supported on the BBS and probably never will be. I think feeling invited to design for single 32k carts is an important aspect of PICO-8, so separating multicarts to the exporter is a way to preserve that to some degree while still broadening the scope of what can be made with PICO-8."

From the 0.1.10 release thread: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28168

Original post:
Hey I looking into the idea of using the reload() function in the game I'm working on to possibly store data for extra levels on a separate cart and load them in as you progress. I understand that the HTML5 export explicitly supports multiple carts but I'm not clear on if it's possible to upload multiple carts to the BBS and be able to access data from each other?

Edit: Testing with a simple two-cartridge system I made

Cart #37523 | 2017-02-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #37524 | 2017-02-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Edit2: Looks like it doesn't work when referencing them by their filenames when I post them to the same thread anyway


This looks like that it loads from "_data.p8"

Documentation is not clear at this point

Thanks Sascha. It looks like that's creating _date.p8 in the first place within the script by calling cstore first before reloading it with _data.p8. I would guess in this instance _data.p8 only exists in memory for as long as the user keeps their browser window open, rather than saving it to any permanent storage anywhere. Either way the data is being generated by the parent cartridge in the first place, while I'm hoping to split things across multiple carts initially then upload them.

Did you ever get around to trying this oakreef? Does anyone know if it is possible to split a cart into multiples and have it work correctly in a forum thread?

Also, if I import/include a cart from my main cart, does it have any implications on my character/token count?

Was caught up with other work and taking part in a game jam. I might try to and write some experimental carts tonight or tomorrow night (depending on how fresh my head is after work) to test out how multi-cart stuff works and then post them here and see if I can get them working in this thread.

On twitter when multi-cart exports were introduced someone asked zep about this. His response was:

...just for html-exported carts; the BBS will continue to only support single carts, because that's where my heart lies :)


also on the 0.1.10 release thread: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28168

"Multicart exports offer a way to package and distribute what you can already do with local files (e.g. zipping up a group of carts), but isn't supported on the BBS and probably never will be. I think feeling invited to design for single 32k carts is an important aspect of PICO-8, so separating multicarts to the exporter is a way to preserve that to some degree while still broadening the scope of what can be made with PICO-8. Future binary exporters (Windows, Mac, Linux) will also support multicart in the same way."

Thanks for the links! Good to have a definite answer on the issue.

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