Very well made game! I included it in my compilation video series of the Tiny TV Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :)

Brilliant! Simple mechanics. Great, catchy music.
One of my favourite entries. :o)

Bashing is a lot of fun!
And I really like the detail where bashing the edges of the map cause the TV to shake appropriately.

All I'm getting is a spinning black screen, have I missed something?
Button inputs seem to do nothing as well.

@PixelCod yes; in my minimalist instructionless presentation I am assuming (on the part of the player) a shared knowledge-context of this particular jam as a whole, wherein to start games, you must use either player 2's O button (left Shift or Tab), or open the menu (Enter or P) and choose "turn on the tv". With this knowledge you may now go forth and play all the tinytvjam games :)

oh... I see... my bad -,___,-
I haven't had a chance to play any TV jams yet, I'll check this out now!
It's lovely! I like the music and bashing your little pixel around feels really satisfying :)

Unique gameplay. It was fun bashing the blocks.
Loved the end animation.

This game is a gem (ha!)
I played this for way too long because I thought there was going to be an ending... Fun gameplay and great music :D

Thanks for the kind comments, everyone! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
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