This is a pretty straightforward picross clone, hope you guys enjoy it!

Enjoyed this a lot - it's a game that suits Pico-8 really well. Haven't played much picross before but your game is nice and intuitive!

Very cool! This is a lot of fun. The larger puzzles are a bit difficult for me to read, though.
Also, love that you included that cheat.
Great game! :)

great game. there's an awful lot of mosaic going on :)
the numbers can easily be made fully legible though:

ultrabrite, I think he's referring to the 15x15 and 20x20 puzzles. I had to use a 3x3 font for those, same as the timer (actually, its one of the reasons I made the timer use the small font - so if you have difficulty making out a number, you can watch the timer) though I do agree your number set looks better than mine.
enargy, I had to choose between scrolling and a hard to read number set. I think I chose the lesser of 2 evils.
WeeblBull, thanks. The part I was worried about most was the in-game explanation. Explaining things isn't my strong suit, so this is great to hear.
Thanks for the comments and feedback, everyone.

3x4 font would make the top/bottom of the numbers touch, which would really hurt readability. the larger puzzles use a 3x3 font.
edit: but that is a good idea for an 8, even if it were the only italic character

in fact I was only talking about the 3x4 font you are using for smaller puzzles.

I see what you are saying now, my mistake. There's a lot of things I'd do differently if I made a sequel to this, mostly to do with level storage, touching on the fonts wasn't something I thought of. Your input is valued, and if I come to making a sequel for this, I'll have a good idea on what I can make better.
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