This is my entry for ludumdare.
It's rather unfinished but somehow playable. I was too ambitious with the 5x boss thing and was unable to balance them all in time.
The rabbit form lack a special power but his arrow still deal double damage to his nemesis.
--- CONTROLS ---
<z> shoot
<x> jump
<down> swap your spirits
<up> enter teepee
--- GOAL ---
- You must fight all 5 animal spirit to succeed
- If you defeat one of them, you wont be able to use his form for next battles
- Each spirit fears another. Find their weakness

My first thought after playing it for a bit: "It's TowerFall!" anyways, nice game :)

This is a great piece Benjamin! Well done, I really liked this game, very original btw.

Amazing! Full of character, and well polished. I need a gamepad though, I died 20 times and beat only one boss. Bow angle change could be a little faster, but it is more realistic this way.

very nice. The vulture could be a bit more difficult and the rabbit do a bit less contact damage imho.

Very playable! The controls seem to take some getting used to - I suppose you still want to allow jumping while aiming, so you can't use up for jump.
Anyway it looks great and plays great too :)

This is so cool! Discovered it thanks to the pico chat podcast

Tip for people fighting snake spirit dodge well and wait till he's below you and spam fire without aiming or else snakes and the spirit get to you.

Very fun! Had to strategize a bit on what order to defeat the spirits in

Idea for rabbit perk: Rabbit has larger quiver?
Also bug with rabbit: If the reload quiver falls into the void, a new one never comes, and player has to kill themself to try again.

lets gooo i beaten it so here are some difficulty levels imo
vulture: easy. you can just spam shoot it whenever it lands
snake medium. same thing with the vulture but it does poison dmg which makes it harder
rabbit: hard. are those glowing rabiting poo it shoots?
horse: easy. Just use eagle
eagle: medium. just use snake
Order to kill: horse, eagle, rabbit, snake, vulture
edit: spamming the arrows is very op.

I finally won after being confused and then turning it off for such a long time! Really fun. the rabbit stage had some bugs with "!" being left behind and running out of arrows for forever but it's awesome the game is very fun!

the slithering anomaly cripples the speeding stallion
the speeding stallion steps in the patriotic animal of the sky
the necromancing feathered freak executed the slithering anomaly
the patriotic animal of the sky snatches the big-eared simpleton
big-eared simpleton kicks the necromancing feathered freak

I will try to beat every spirit with default form. Keeping yall updated

Horse is fast and beats Eagle, Eagle double jumps and beats Rabbit, Snake has venom and beats Horse, Rabbit has no special and beats Vulture, Vulture beats Snake.
What is Vulture's special ability?

The Snake I saved for last. It is very strong. I beat all five spirits
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