Wow ! Tricky puzzle. Reminds me a little of a unique version of asteroids that came out.
Yep, you controlled both ships and you had to protect them. They were linked only by a single line and occasionally there was drag from one while the other shot ahead pulling you behind.
Trippy game play !

Yep, you controlled both ships and you had to protect them. They were linked only by a single line and occasionally there was drag from one while the other shot ahead pulling you behind.
That depended on what game you chose. You could play like that by yourself or just controlling one ship where you could fly around wherever you wanted, two players tethered together or two players flying separate.

My best score was 8. Frustrating yet addictive little game, very nice!

I guess I was too young then. I couldn't figure out how to have a non-tethered play. And no, at the time I didn't have anyone to play with ... :(

Took me quite a few tries though. Very addictive. Nice music too.

Game really runs too fast for me. Made a change:
Your original model does not get harder with an increased score. I wrote it so it does - you'll see it especially after you get 12-points.
Also, be sure to give credit for the music you are using. I know, PICO's music editor is a real pain. I plan to write a tool to help with that in the future. In the meantime ...

Thank you fro the comments all :)
@dw817 i actually adjusted the speed&gaps to allow the continuous rotation movement -which i think looks and feels very cool :)- on repeating patterns.

Impressive remake. To my surprise, I got up to 58.
The speed is intended as it is. During areas where you need to keep looping in one direction, that speed allows you to simply hold the arrow down and loop for the duration.
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