Hey folks!
I’m porting some Love2D games over to Picotron as a learning experience, and have hit a few snags:
- Hiscores: I’m hoping to save user hiscores, and while documentation mentions memory allocation for peeking/poking/storing data, this doesn’t seem to be persistent in the way that dset() or dget() in PICO-8 are. Have searched for some time but haven’t found a solution (though I'm sure it's much more obvious than I think). Is there any persistent memory in Picotron that we have access to for hiscores, etc?
- Porting PICO-8 Audio: I’m looking to port some PICO-8 audio over to Picotron's SFX editor. I realize that the Picotron sound editor is much more advanced than the PICO-8 one, but I’m curious if any of you have found a good solution for a quick port, as I’m hoping to not have to re-write all my SFX and music from scratch if at all possible.
Any help is super appreciated! :)

For loading and saving scores and stuff I used this method for my new space sim on Picotron:
Basically it checks for a file (a pod) and if it is missing it creates one (by calling the save_game() function instead of 'print("no save file detected")'). If not, it loads all saved data. Works like a charm.
And I am also curious how to easily convert PICO-8 audio to Picotron.

@donswelt Oh, that's a great solution! Thanks SO much for providing the link. I'll review that tonight and take a shot at implementing it. :)
Curious if @zep may have some insight for porting PICO-8 audio. Since we're in fairly early days for Picotron, it can be a little tricky to find solutions for stuff like this!

@donswelt Tried out your solution, and worked like a charm! Have already stripped back the provided code for my purposes since all I need is a simplistic hiscore table, but SUPER glad to have this working. Thanks so much for your help!
Now to continue on my search for an audio workflow that works for me! :)

I used the built-in DAW for the first time yesterday. And wow, it is such a good tool. It took me a while, but I came up with some pretty nice sound effects.

@donswelt Good to hear that it's a solid tool! Going to try my hand at it tomorrow I think, need to watch some videos and bite the bullet!
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