Shoot your way through asteroid fields and hordes of enemies in this short space roguelite. Power your ship, repair components, fight through random-generated levels... or die and try again. Can you make 13 jumps?
⬆️ or 🅾️ main drive (accelerate)
⬅️ ➡️ thrusters (turn)
❎ cannons
⬇️ jump drive (when online)
Scavenge the asteroid fields to find energy crystals and power your ship's jump drive.

Outrun or fight the abominations that pursue you.

Collect enough energy crystals to power your jump drive and jump away safely before the time runs out. If you don't, it will catch up to you.

Use the remaining energy after each jump to repair your ship's broken modules, giving you a better fighting chance.

Each jump takes you to another, progressively more challenging area.
Safety awaits you if you can make 13 jumps.
Design, code, sound & music: Raymond Gobler

This is really fun (and polished too), but also gets very hard.
I like the system with the energy crystals used to finish the level and also used for upgrades if you collect extra. I also liked the little detail that when rocks break into rocks with smaller rocks they have blue particles if any of those smaller rocks have crystals in them.
I can't very far because the difficulty shoots up around wave 5. I was actually struggling with the previous waves too until I got the hang of the controls and realized I should try and upgrade as much as I could each level. Maybe I'll try again and get further. Its a challenge but its fun.

@Munchkin thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you like it!
I aimed to make the game hard, and I realize it can get extra hard with the learning curve of the controls combined with the overall difficulty ramp of the levels. Upgrading early in the game is a must.
Let me know how far you get next time! I hope you'll beat the game!

I love how challenging it is. It's incredibly hard but i keep trying

This game feels great. The repair screen looks so good. Feels rewarding to play.
I've only completed 3 jumps so far.
I'm terrible, but it keeps drawing me back.
Edit again: Next day.
5 jumps! Also just turned the sound on for the first time.
Even better!

I think a good strategy is to max out your ammo power first with a bit of emphasis on the thruster.

That's awesome, congrats @baker!
You are the first person I'm aware of who beat the game on Normal. Thanks for sharing!

I LOVE this game! It reminds me a lot of Sinistar in the best of ways. It's very difficult and yet feels very possible. Well done!

Thank you, @yutsud!
I have to admit, I haven't heard of Sinistar before, it looks really cool. The two games seem to look and play quite similar indeed.
How did you come across 13 Jumps by the way? It's been posted quite some time ago.

I just recently got a Powkiddy RGB30 and have been going through games in the PICOwesome pack (1.5 on Reddit).

I also got the RGB30 a while ago to play Pico games, I'm pretty happy with it. I hope you're having fun with it too!
Thanks for letting me know about PICOwesome, I wasn't aware.

I'm starting to use the recoil to adjust my bad speeding habits XD
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