Starting to explore the empty house...
This is the beginning of a portal-based 2.5D rendering engine. I think next up will be adding polygonal props and/or per room floors.
![](/media/54999/3_LogoNeu (2).jpg)
This really sparks the imagination! This sure looks like a great ghost hunting base-or the PSx LSD dream simulator.
hey - you are back!
Looks very good though the paper-thin walls are a bit jarring!
is the engine limited to square rooms?
Ha yeah! Hi Fred! Happy Turkey Day if you are in the US.
Back to my old tricks. Rooms don’t have to be square—just convex without coplaner portals. I think this approach is similar to the build engine.
One upshot is that I may be able to generate levels on the fly which could squash more content into a cart. I guess I could have moving walls or endless hallways too if I can wrap my head around it.
But maybe step one is a level editor because I’m doing this on graph paper now 😀.
ah - so doorway could be actually a sector of their own.
fyi - doom udmf format is easy to read and you could tap on a plethora of editors + all supports custom objects (eg easy to put your own entities).
Just realizing that you need to create portals - something that no doom editor will bother with :/
(and i am french - so fried turkeys are flying past me 🤣)
This looks so cool. It would make for a.really great Backrooms game or walking simulator. In fact I wonder if the epic MyHouse.wad could be recreated in Pico?
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