Could someone explain how glitch effects similar to Benjamin Soulé's Mr.Beam were done? No code as much as an overview.
Thanks in advance.


My guess is he used memcpy at random lines of the screen buffer to get the 'shifting' effect, and the text jumble at the top is just an overdraw.
there is a 8k frame buffer located in memory that has a linear packed image, if you just copy random bits to random other locations, you can glitch it out.
o1 = flr(rnd(0x1F00)) + 0x6040 o2 = o1 + flr(rnd(0x4)-0x2) len = flr(rnd(0x40)) memcpy(o1,o2,len) |


yeah that's what I do in picoracer during a crash, just memcpy random memory to the screen, looks nice! not sure about mr beam.
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