I built this for a friend with a short attention span.
how to play
to advance through title screens and game over screens
to fold clothes, press the arrows corresponding with the pink arrow indicators over the article of clothing. Do it quickly, before your attention span runs out!
There are seven loads of laundry - fold them all to win! Should be beatable in a handful of minutes.
development notes
8/6/23 - juice (paws, sfx, better arrow indicators), calling it done
8/5/23 - token reclamation, 1 pattern per article, difficulty tuned, 5 stages
8/3/23 - working game, at character limit, 4 patterns per article, impossibly difficult, 7 stages
todo before "done"
[x] replace directional indicators with real sprites
[x] little paws reach out to fold the clothes
[x] sfx
- interruptions that obscure the pattern and require button mashing to dismiss
- music

As the note says, I never made it past level 4.
One area that bothered me a bit during play was when the pattern required multiple arrows, the visibility of the arrows seemed to be affected quite a bit.
It may be necessary to prepare original arrow images or change the color of each arrow.
There are some ideas such as higher bonuses if the arrows are matched in order.
There should still be something that can be done about the number of characters and the limitation of tokens.
(I've added it to my favorites!)

@shiftalow thank you for checking it out!
You're right the arrows are not visually distinct. I will definitely draw some directional sprites and use them in place of the p8scii!
The general plan is something like:
- recover tokens and characters by optimizing what I have so far
- refactor the folding mechanic so a single complete pattern folds the entire item, then just make the patterns longer (i think this will help difficulty tuning a lot, and keep the stages shorter. four patterns per clothing article is too many!)
- juice including better arrow visuals
- sfx
Hopefully I'll get time this weekend to improve on these things.
If I can free up enough tokens, I want to add children that randomly interrupt the folding pattern, obscure the screen, and demand that you feed them cookies by rapidly pressing an action button until they go away!

This is really cute and funny! Consider using fold lines (dotted lines) on the garments instead of arrow icons for extra challenge.

as someone with adhd i am naming this character snuggies and also yes they are cute
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