I'm still waiting to see the code for the music played on the 2nd frame OST, @taco360. I don't think the Pico-8 is capable of that. Whole lot of hype.

@dw817 the full game is being developed in love2d, actually! This little teaser is actually based on an old prototype I made using the original Celeste Classic physics, before I switched engines and rewrote everything.

Oh by the way I got stuck on the first level for a little bit because I thought the sign was a rock and it was telling me to grab the rock, instead of the wall. I spent a couple minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't pick up the rock. So maybe just make that a little more clear. Maybe make the sign look less like a rock? Or change "grab" to "climb".

@ooooggll sorry for the very long delay, but since I was updating another cart i went ahead and changed the text! thanks for the feedback, hopefully this'll make it a bit more clear <3

As a long time fan of your carts, this one is very special as you replaced the dashing with climbing is found the game very enjoyable please make more games like this.

It's almost 2024, so I decided to speedrun this trailer again
Excited for the inevitable release

I finished the game and got hyped by the ending only to realize it says releasing 2023

So the bad news is, It might have to be ported to picotron or something...
If not, then take a look at the image

Hey, apologies for the radio silence over here, we've been working very hard on the game behind the scenes! I just released an update post with a bunch info on Foreverred 2, so if you're wondering what happened to this, read here: https://itch.io/blog/783257/the-future-of-foreverred

@Catastrophic_Cal woops, looks like the link got messed up, apologies! should work now

@taco360 The link works now, and I have to say if I wasn't already really excited for Foreverred 2, reading up on your development updates, looking through the images, and listening to the ost has gotten me SUPER excited for Goodbye Foreverred.
I don't know if me saying this means much, but I'm genuinely so impressed and awed at what you're doing, and I'm looking forward for the eventual release.
Good luck and keep at it! o7

@Catastrophic_Cal that means a lot actually, thank you so much! <3
i'll be hard at work to make sure it's worth the wait!

So I hope that foreverred 2 is going well, and I have to ask, are we getting climbing and dashing on it (because you said you were switching to love2d where you can have more than 2 inputs). Also I love this mod
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