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This is my first PICO-8 game!

Cart #running_out_of_time-6 | 2022-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made it as a submission for Ludem Dare. It's a 48 hour game jam, but I only had a few hours to put in to that submission. This is the more refined version where I had time to add sound, particles, new sprites, a map, and a little easter egg.

I had a bunch of fun making it and I've had a bunch of fun playing it. The gravity is surprisingly entertaining to mess around with.

Particle effects from this thread: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32096
Drum beat tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzt0h0ErNAM
Runge Kutta implementation: https://pjb.com.au/comp/lua/RungeKutta.html
Ideas for "juice": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy0aCDmgnxg (ty Shawn for the recommendation)


Quite good, actually, @pcarleton. Definitely requires the brain. It might be possible to make this a 1-button game. Tap to slow down, hold to accelerate. Android users could tap or hold the screen.

Gold star game of gravity and orbit.

Love it. I kinda wish it had a forward projection of your trajectory, but that might take all the challenge out of it.

This was fun to toy with! I also found a bug where it seemed to just stop working entirely: as in I couldn't accelerate or decelerate. I was off screen, but there was no sound effect, screen shake, or particle effects drifting when I pressed the buttons.
EDIT: Never mind, I was just dumb and didn't realize that fuel was a thing...
Extra Edit: The gif is just something I found fun, that wasn't the "bug" I thought I found

@UnitVector totally! I was originally imagining projecting it forward, and actually just having you plan burns explicitly, sort of KSP style, but this way was much simpler to implement so I paused here. Might consider that for a future game. I think it would still be challenging since the timing the intersection of your orbit and the tank is the trickiest part. Maybe an "easy" mode shows you "encounters", "normal" shows you future path, and "hardcore" is this mode.

@Munchkin Yea I didn't call out the fuel very well, might make sense to make the fuel bar more prominent & blink or something when you're burning. That gif is awesome :) Does pico-8 support grabbing that natively or did you have to screen record it?

In pico-8 you can press F4 to save an 8 second gif to your desktop. Its a pretty convenient feature! I think F5 creates a screenshot, but I'm not sure.

This is so cool! Well done :)

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