Presenting Picowings Flight Simulator
Take off and explore the mountains and lakes of Picotopia!
-- left, right: Roll + Yaw
-- up, down: Pitch
-- z, x: Throttle
-- p: Pause and set time of day
Hold down Z to increase speed on the runway before pulling up (down arrow) to take off.
If you look around, you will see houses, buildings, and ships.
Technical Notes
Flight model should be "somewhat realistic" in that it models thrust, lift, drag and weight--Of course all the numbers are made up, and things are grossly simplified.
Landscape uses a smooth noise function and can go on forever without repeating. (Well, not forever--it uses a 4095 long list of random numbers-- but longer than I have patience or memory for.)
Water is drawn using a marching squares algorithm in order to have more organic shapes, which I think is kinda neat even if it does take cycles and tokens.

It's amazing and I love it, though I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a Pilotwings demake.
I wish there was farther draw distance but I really can't complain. Sounds make it fully immersive. Great work.

the water rendering is an excellent idea (though LOD is a bit aggressive and shape adjustment is a bit brutal)
high altitude flying would need different lod (textures)? to make the transition

Unbelievably polished. I flew a plane, saw some things. Had a blast switching from day to night. May I ask how long this cart took to program? It feels like a AAA game

incredible, the only problem I had with it was the way the roll and yaw were both the same buttons, it made it almost impossible to fly for me

Really impressive! Can you add sound and a plane model sprite in the title screen so we can know what type of aircraft we are piloting? Thanks!

If I want to apply for a technical art job, I believe this is a good proof.
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