remake of
I couldn't get @9joao6 to respond to my requests for help so I made a remake myself!
new features:
all main levels from nuclear throne
crappy placeholder graphics
broken new enemies
a final boss that does nothing
ultra mutations
new characters
new weapons and weapon types
many many bugs
I think that is everything

Can I redesign some of these sprites? I think I could help make them appeal more.. All I request is the sprite sheet itself so I can tinker with it

you can get the sprites from the file if you have pico-8

this is amazing! very fun and i could play this for a long time.

cool game! it reminds me of Into the Gungeon. there's a lot of levels, guns, and characters for infinite gameplay possibilities! i like the little gray guy with the big eye, his fast shoot speed speeds up the whole game in a way.

Hmm, I will look into this
can you tell me more?
what char

i NEED someone to remake this again. i would love a nuclear throne demake
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