My entry for the Global Game Jam 2022. Use the mind-bending mechanics of walking around paper to help the stick man push pieces of the picture back together.

Wow ! Got to level 4 and couldn't go any further, @galactical. What a brain-twister. You have my gold star of what is surely many to follow. Superbly crafted !

Nice and sweet sokoban-style game! The concept and theming go so well together! c:

thanks @Notester82 and @dw817 ! I was pretty rushed with the levels, and if I make an update I hope to improve the learning curve, because I do think level 4 is a pretty big jump in complexity, and the earlier levels could teach the mechanics better

@galactical - that was really fun, very nicely done!
Level 4 was pretty wild. Maybe swap with 5?
When I was on level 6 I kept thinking "I got it" and then didn't hah.
Pushed through and made it back to the title screen - really enjoyed this.
Great job!

My brain... it just hurts....
Great idea. Such a simple concept. Beautifully executed. Level 4 was indeed tough.


Wow! That was really fun and I finally beat it in biology class. Level 6 took a while, I forgot the undo button existed :P
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