So cool!! - how do I save progress?
I'm playing on an Anbernic RG351MP
with 351elec custom firmware.

It’s a really cool game.
If you want the full version of Celeste, It’s here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/504230/Celeste

Thanks! - I bought it but couldn't get
used to the changed controls with climbing

whoa… how many levels did you make? (since i didn't get to the end)

This is probably ridiculous, but I need to ask: could you just wait for the timer to go over the integer limit ang go into negatives, and then complete the game? Both the time() and just an increasing variable have a limit of 32767. For time I believe that it doesn't mean its active for 32767 frame, because it keeps track of time in seconds. According to the wiki, this means it would take 9 hours for time() to go into the negatives. I do not think celeste uses time() for the speed run clock, as I did Ctrl+f in the code, and found nothing for time(). This probably means its based off of increasing variables. However, it is likely that multiple variables are used to properly keep track of time, making this much harder, or even practically possible. This is just a fun idea that probably won't work. :)

The PICO-8 rite of passage. Or maybe modding it is the rite of passage? Or maybe it's a Celeste 100% completion passage? That, uh, isn't counted in the game?
*or it is and i don't know lol

could you just wait for the timer to go over the integer limit and go into negatives, and then complete the game?
In theory, yes, but you would have to wait for the minutes
variable to reach that limit, which would take over 3 weeks! Even if you manage to do this, there are some weird side effects that happen due the fact that these numbers append a '0' to the start if they are <10.
This is what it would look like if you finished on the second it rolled over (obviously cheated)

i made a really fast version for some reason
it's probably impossible unless...
if you want to play the game, go here:

i wish there was a mod that turned off screen shake automatacly for speedruning. It makes my head hurt and is just very anoying ;D I mean the wr for 100% doesnt have any screen shake.

The game is great and make also pico8 shine!
Also rg351mp has no screenshoots with pico.
My kid's progress:
1h 40 min ,720deaths (1st run)
42:00 min , 368 deaths..
19:19 min , 149 deaths. (x9 strawberries).
15:36 min , 71 deaths (x10)
14:28 min , 103 deaths (x11)
10:55 min , 45 deaths (x13)
10:13 min , 69 deaths (x11)
08:04 min , 44 deaths (x14)
07:32 min , 32 deaths (x14)
We played it in Anbernic RG351MP and althought
my kid didnt complain i had problem with diagonal jumps.
Either with the stick or dpad . I felt that although pressing
in the right direction Madleine was moving horizontally or vertically.
Any feedback welcomed.
Also for an update i propose in stats to report also deaths per level
and saving the final screen.

@noel can you please send the code for this so I can create a mod for a school project?? Thank you!!

How do you even get past 800M if the up-left-diagonal dash isn't working? Also screw physics.

how do the images work? i got a 2:36 which is kinda good i guess.

even though I know a bit of speedtech I still struggle to get under ten deaths

you would have to mod your 3ds
I'm not so good at this, but a quick google search clears things up
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