terminal from salty sunday night
dont try to look at the character code its severely unoptimized
i made a thread for the mod(s): https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=44192

OMG, finally. I've got one song to the point of release. Of course, this still needs some work. But this is tiring. I've worked on this for a while.
I hope you enjoy this mod.
This mod includes:
Mobile support (tap arrows)
Improve song
The AI can make mistakes
Funky Friday HP bar system
Create an entire freakin' week by myself while trying to stay sane.
The Arrows:
Goop Notes (the black arrows,) you don't wanna hit them
Added modcharting & camera

TheRandomPerson, that bug has been fixed in a future version of my engine. That bug was in the Reality Shifter song, I don't plan to update that song's engine to the new arrow code.
Edit: I fixed it

@jo560hs i showed someone the tetris mod and someone said "what if it was 5 key and with pentominoes" so one day later here it is
desktop controls are S D C UP RIGHT
(only difficulty is Random right now, sorry)

@MarkGamed7794, you have a bug. Every time you die, it loads the 4k version of the cart. Other than that, it's a good challenge. GG

play against the default picocad cube
use ESDF or up down left right to press notes
use the mouse to click on the flying notes
left click for normal notes, right click for bombs (the green ones)
in the start of the song you can choose your character using the arrow keys
use multiple characters ranging from:
this mod was made possible using this person's sprite code: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=33758
there's also the original mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/310251 (the song is yaw, the 3rd one)

MY GOD !! He passed it to me but I think the arrows that hurt you if you touch them still hurt when they disappear but little. But if it is one of the most well elaborated mods in pico-8

I created a poll where you can choose between 4 randomly selected songs (from a list of mod requests) and two songs I chose. Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/pico8/comments/pye1uj
The song being demade is:
System Failure - Wii Funkin' (VS Eteled)
For those who don't know this mod isn't in developement sorry for the false promise :p

I messed up on Reality Shifter lol, the caution note sprites were incorrect. They should show the correct color now.
The song is now possible, oops

hey uuuuh @evman2k down scroll is broken, I personally don't use down scroll but I tried it and it's messed up

@jo560hs Terminal allows ghost presses. Please un add that for it kinda doesn't feel right while playing it...

@TheRandomPerson, I know it's broken; I don't plan to fix any of the bugs in the song. I most likely will not fix Reality Shifter anymore nor update the engine it uses.
Edit: I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings; what I was trying to say is I'm not updating the song. I should have put something there to tell ppl it won't be updated any further, that's my fault.
Edit 2: I feel even worse that I hurt your feeling, I'm going to delay the mod. I'm not in the mood to make it.
Edit 3: Thank you for trying to help tho, I appreciate it!

okay thanks, I was trying to help
edit: sorry I worded this wrong and it's fine I just haven't checked the comments and you didn't hurt my feelings :D

@jo560hs I have beaten every song you've thrown at us in this entire time. Today I beat Kaio Ken for the first time, and I think I am ready for whatever mod you make next!

well anyways if u want to check out my channel
I've made a few pico night punkin vids

@ Agent Tom no you arent
i will give a preview of whats next
all songs will be getting a jside update

@griffman, the song is *very hard to recreate. I can tell you it will take longer than a few days.
Edit: I also have other stuff like schoolwork, so it's going to take longer than it should. Sorry if you have to wait more than one month.
Edit 2: I'll give you two hints of what the mechanics are:
My ears are burning
Death Stare
- Loss of frames

@jo560hs J-side... Oh ur username... Dude, this is great. But I'm more excited to see the song u told me about in discord. ;)
(Also btw for the endgame tutorial, who would we be facing? It can be just a hint if you'd like.)

i had planned to release all jsides at once, but figured that would be too boring.
here's dadbattle jside

Im just waiting for Z-sides to see what its like when we get there, but what will be after Z-sides

forest funkin jside

@jo560hs, there's a bug in the pnp_decompress.
The bug is any note below pattern 0 or at pos 0 will appear like this:
-- Beatmap map_add(leftmap,-32,"1,0,1") |

-- Beatmaps with notes at pos 0 map_add(leftmap,0,"0,0,0") |

Also my songs use negative positions:

heres a new version:
put compressed beatmap in _init()
use mouse or arrow keys to navigate

@jo560hs, I don't think you completely understand what the bug is.
The bug is this:
The Beatmap:
map_add(leftmap,0,"0,0:32,0") |
What the program outputs for patterns 0 and 1:
map_add(leftmap,0*32,"") -- Pattern 0 map_add(leftmap,1*32,"") -- Pattern 1 |
It's a very simple fix, all you have to do is change the code at line 46 and line 30 (tab 0) to this:
if(o[1]>=n*32 and o[1]<(n+1)*32)w=true |

Can't wait to see what else is to come to this community. Hope some of the more popular songs from the original community(?) make their way here as other people have requested, but I'm excited to see what we have now.

roses jside
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