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New record!
Also new page XD

P#148780 2024-05-21 16:45 ( Edited 2024-05-21 16:45)

2nd try

P#149184 2024-05-30 16:50

I may not live but I don’t burn for now I rest in the peaceful hands of oblivion.

But seriously, this was great. I definitely had a heck ton of runs that died to nans (I sure do like explosives and sudden spears). But at the very end I managed to do it. I beat oblivion difficulty. So now my fingers can rest.

Side note. I was playing on a laptop until I decided to switch to my phone.

Beat it second try…huh. I guess you don’t need to pray for mobile users.

HOLD UP!!! I just noticed something!!! The person above best Oblivion difficulty but got plus 3000 for not getting hit but I apparently got hit three times?!?! You die when you get hit in oblivion difficulty…

Hmm…the only thing I can think that caused this to happen is that I got hit by the laser during the few seconds before it goes to the lore. But I didn’t die.

That’s the only thing I can think of…either way I may have to beat oblivion mode again if you don’t believe this is valid which is perfectly fine as I did say I was willing to put in the effort to complete the new difficulty.

But if you do believe this is a glitch then could you maybe add the 3000 for the leader board…actually it doesn’t really matter since I get third with or without it.

But it’s up to you now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go back into Oblivion to see if this was actually a glitch.

P#149185 2024-05-30 16:57 ( Edited 2024-05-30 17:17)

It's definitely a glitch. I don't get it. How am I getting hit? This doesn't make sense...On the bright side new best time :)

Also beat it on my laptop just to see if it was an issue on my phone but nope...welp, this sucks...lmao even I have been punished by the gods. Don't know what for though.

P#149188 2024-05-30 17:29

this is such an absurdly impressive roguelike

P#149189 2024-05-30 18:01

Hi, @I_Like_Nanners, I think it might not be a glitch, it also counts as a hit if you get hit by the explosion made by an enemy when the combo finishes, this mostly happends with the boss, but it can also happen with the little ones, maybe it is that.
Also, just broke the 2 minutes mark:

P#149190 2024-05-30 18:14 ( Edited 2024-05-30 18:19)

well frick time to do it again...:|

P#149194 2024-05-30 19:01

whoa... big boy...

P#149204 2024-05-30 22:53

Finally got a new record lol, this took a while because I was trying to fight as many enemies as possible and often got myself killed with silly mistakes

P#149530 2024-06-06 13:38

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