I give up on this cart when it comes to the comment pages... the first 7 were great filled with carts but now it's a bunch of kids cyberbullying... Come on, can't we have good things?

the fnf community is toxic enough, i thought this was different...

I apologize for the state that these forums are in. I 100% CONDEMN ANYONE WHO IS BULLYING, HARASSING, OR THEATENING OTHERS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. Whether this takes place on the forum or not, this behavior should be put to an end. I have flagged all posts containing spam or harassment and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

there are no games.
this is now a wasteland of comments and haters.
good thing theres a discord server https://discord.gg/atTvM8jwcC

Hello, I hope everyone is having a good day. I've been working on these songs for a while and I'm almost done with one of the songs. I'm going to release these songs in parts.
Right now, I am very tired and I'm going to finish the rest of this charting later. Anyways, here's part of Challenger
- Add the protection bar mechanic
- Nerf the protection bar so it's much more like the original
- Make the second opponent stronger so accurate to the original
- Finish the charting
- Add mobile support
The Mod...
Set your keybinds before you play this mod
This mod doesn't have mobile support yet!

you're back?
also, is the second set of arrows just meant to throw you off?

Yeah, I'm back. I am feeling much better than I felt before.

And to answer your question, yes. You have to turn on focus mode.
Also, thank you guys so much for the support, I don't know what to say.

Everyone in this thread: Please stop abusing the "Mark as Spam" button.
The moderation tools on this site are basic and you are overloading them. This thread has turned into a chat room rather than a forum thread, and that's actually totally okay, but the moderation tools are built to handle forum threads and posts, not chat rooms. Either move it all to Discord, where real chat moderation tools can be employed, or stop abusing the "Mark as Spam" button.

I've locked this thread temporarily until I get some better moderation tools up and running (should be later this week).
@griffmanhe2nd -- your account has been suspended. There is no place for posts like this -- we're here to creatively support each other, make carts for kicks, and have a good time.

ok ~ the thread is unlocked again. As you were!
I've added the option for thread authors to hide posts at their discretion, and also a soft limit on posting frequency.
Chatty threads are no problem in principle, but please be considerate when cartridges and longer thoughtful posts might get lost in a sea of short one-liners. The soft limit does not prevent posting, but rather adds a reminder and some UI friction when making multiple short posts.

Going back on the subject I loved this forum on, I would like to discuss how thankful I am for the dfjk controls. For so long I have been using sdnm to play and I find dfjk rather more enjoyable. Second of all, I think the mod, @evman2k is quite fun! The extra set got me off task so much but after a couple tries I got used to it. Loving the new mechanics you bring every time you post, can't wait to see your next great thing!

What the fuck is happening i was gone for 2 weeks
Also hey ShadowX is here cool

@Blueknight basically here's what happened
Gameguy spammed comments
Griffmanhe2nd bullied evman2k
mean things were said
and eventually comments were just downright banned
but now they're back
and griffmanhe2nd just disappeared

@zep thank you! I was really tired of this becoming a chat place. I mean, 21 pages? Geez.
Now then, to the challenger mod from Evman or whatever his name is im sorry-
the 2nd set of arrows threw me off, which is funny.

Answering some questions & Responses to comments
Dank Fire, you can call me UnfairDev or Evman2k
ScratchRZL, that Expurgation Tricky sprite looks amazing! I may start making some tools to make 9k possible. If I ever do make 9k tools, it most likely will not come with control configuration.
Agent Tom, glad you enjoyed the preview of the mod! That took me a while to figure out how to get that working and bind all of those keys. The two opponents was actually pretty easy to make if you know how characters in PNP work.
zep, thank you so much. This forum was becoming something I don't even know how to describe.

@mr_sus I'm 99.999% sure you are Griffman... please don't start any more crap here. There is no reason to be toxic. Please stop spamming the forum.

I am going to ask for one last time that you do not spam these forums... I will be hiding EVERY comment that does not pertain to PICO NIGHT PUNKIN' or related discussion. If you want to "chat", do that in the discord. https://discord.gg/pA3k87pKpQ
If you see someone being toxic from here on out, don't even bother calling them out because they don't deserve your time. Just ignore it and it'll be hidden by the time I get around to it :)

i also have a discord server entirely about pico-8
only for people who have pico-8
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