my mother thought she blocked everything on my computer lol she just deleted my history so I had to log back in

@gameguy123 @paulo_gamer @ScratchRZL stop commenting so much... Make a chatroom or something seriously

i was trying to edit the beatmap of the tutorial but it doesnt work can anyone help me with this problem?

this is an unfinished version of my planned tutorial on karen week
what is unfinished

I think doing the mod of VS QT and VS AFLAC would be pretty hard A and the music that could boot in the QT vs would be (termination) and the AFLAC would be (THE END) or would you choose which mod to do and put? @gameguy123 or @jo560hs or VS bob music (RON)

holy t!É¥s i think this is the most commented on thread on the entire bbs

hey i have an idea, how 'bout we make a discord server for pico night punkin'?

help i ate 2 full plates with nothing on it but black beans and i feel like im giving birth to a child
at least thats what i imagine it would feel like im male
but seriously my asshole hurts more than when i ate 12 chili peppers on a burrito
edit: the turd is a fucking spec

i want a immortal alien test
y know like the thing where u can just go crazy with the characters moves and vocals

@griffmanhe2nd, I may consider making an FNF test for Circle and Immortal. Also, 9k is pretty much finished I'm just holding it back a little because I'm trying to get Challenger out, but that's going to take a while.
Also, I've been holding this back for a while, but I have a lot of leaks:
Below is a new Circle Animation (It is a bit outdated; the animation has changed a lot since then.)
I may work on the Immortal mod again, I can't stop thinking about it.

The Seeker Icon (You'll learn more about the lore of the Immortal mod in the future)
Warning: Flashing Lights
The Challenger Song (Pico-8 and FNF version of the mod)
Two opponents in PNP

The Tetris Block Icon (FNF version)

And the new Challenger mechanic (tested on the Milf song)

For anyone who's confused on what this mechanic is, the green part of the health bar is the Protection Bar. I got this idea from the Sonic.exe mod cutscene (https://youtu.be/lllb_EQ7_pg?t=312.)
Pressing the space bar will raise your protection. If your health is below the protection, your health will start to increase, but your protection will decrease.
Anyways, I'm spoiling too much, so I'm going to stop here.
What do you guys think?
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