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Heyo, I'm Lem and I'm studying Animation and Game at the HDA in Germany. So far, I have focused mostly on modeling, texturing and sound incorporation, but recently, I've gotten more intrigued by coding, and the result of that is Lem's Whacky and Wonky Space Shooter :D

Anywaes, thamku for reading, and have a fantastic day! ^^


It appears this might be a Windows specific solution, in order to launch it in the 3:1 aspect ratio it is intended for, you either have to type the following into a command line, have it in a batch file or as the target on a Windows Shortcut:

"cd C:\Program Files (x86) (*) \PICO-8\pico8.exe -displays_x 3 -displays_y 1"

(*) Part before star symbol dependent on your install location.

You cannot play the game on here (screen is limited to 1/3rd) and I sadly do not have a Linux machine to test out alternatives. You can play it straight from your browser at the itch.io page.

Cart #lemsspaceshooter-0 | 2023-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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