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Cart #moving_crates_and_platforms-0 | 2022-10-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This simple demo is an attempt to create a small platform game engine for my future projects.

As a beginner in pico-8 development, I made this demo by mixing various parts from other projects, like Jelpi, video tutorials by Nerdy Teachers, and other games found on the lexaloffle website.

So it's easy to find more than one type of implementation of collision detection, actor definition/creation, and so on.

But the main reason I'm sharing this demo is to help people see another project using the code developed by Steed in his engine for platforms and crates cratesncrushers: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=35086.

First, I tried to develop my own version without using his code, but unfortunately this became an overwhelming task.

However, I had quite a hard time understanding the engine code. So I rewrote the code used to move the crates by indenting the code, renaming some variables and making the new code fit the logic I'd already created.

So I'm very grateful with the Steed's contribution that helped me learn a lot and kept me excited to continue learning lua and pico-8.

P#119666 2022-10-27 19:09