Shawn, go ahead and crop this/slow it down however you want. It's yours to do with as you please!

made by xeno in about 2.5 hours or so.
Persimmon alternative:
Slapdash call sheet for a Zoom game of Bingo my mom's going to host with her coworkers from Liberty Mutual--hence the logo in the corner. I have some ideas for how to make it prettier:
- randomization animation where it clicks through options before slowing down and settling on one
- menu / game over screen
- big blinking button to randomize--more tactile
I've just started experimenting with clipping and camera movement and it seems that when I move the camera, clipping rectangles I use on-screen don't appear to follow cleanly with the camera. I'm attaching a cart that shows what I mean. Arrow keys move the camera and Z / X reset it.
Moving the camera keeps the items I'm drawing in the correct position while failing to move the clipping rectangle.
Here is the cart:
A rough fix: I got the camera coordinates:
cx, cy = %0x5f28, %0x5f2a
and used them to offset the clipping rectangle by those values:
clip (o.x - cx, o.y - cy, 11, 6)
I probably could just reuse the variables I moved the camera with for the fix, but I wanted a solution that wouldn't depend on those variables existing.