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aKidCalledAris is following

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I make games and zines on pico-8 That's all.


.NET Dev by day | IndieDev by night (#Pico8) | Made: UnDUNE IILow Mem SkySCUMM-8 | Avatar by KenneyNL | He/Him


Old enough to have known the golden age of Amstrad and Amiga ;)
Still own a few Tilt and Joystick magazine (yeah, I am french).
Professional software architect, hobbyist gamedev.

Game & experiments repo: https://github.com/freds72

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/FSouchu


Maturity is nice, isn't it.

Weirdo YouTuber Wish Volo. Please subscribe. Please. Do it.

If I treat you with any brutal criticism (which, I try to keep reasonable, so sorry if I make a mistake): You're the one who's making the game. There might be a reason behind everything. Opinions are opinions.
Ultimately, it's your choice. PLEASE disregard me, if you want.

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