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I'm porting the classic Atari 2600 game Adventure from one tightly-limited platform to another. The goal is to be as close to the original as possible for now. I have some ideas for more rooms and monsters and whatnot, but that will have to wait.

Cart #poyradufa-0 | 2020-07-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I know there are other ports out there, but I'm not trying to compete with anyone, I'm just using this activity to teach myself Lua while stuck at home.

I've been able to take full advantage of the original game's assembly source code, and slides from a talk by the author.

This has been pretty fun. The limitations of the Pico-8 platform have been challenging. You might notice that some of the mazes are different, this is due to the fact that the Atari 2600 had more horizontal "tiles" than the Pico-8 (20 vs 16). I adapted what I could to keep the feel of the original, even using each room's horizontal mirroring logic from the original.

Current status is a playable game with all the items, but no monsters yet - dragons and bat have yet to be implemented.

How to play:

In the first screen, use the arrow keys to move the "player" to one of the numbers, selecting your level.

In the game, you must find the Chalise and bring it inside the Yellow Castle. Arrow keys move your player. Bump into objects to pick them up, and use the Z key to drop them.


[ ] Levels (1=basic, 2=advanced, 3=randomized)
[ ] Dragons
[ ] Bat
[ ] Better menu screen
[ ] In-game menu for various difficulty options (dragon speed, dragons fear sword, etc.)


P#79857 2020-07-24 14:55 ( Edited 2020-07-24 15:08)