Sproaticus [Lexaloffle Blog Feed]https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=13387 Atari Adventure Redux <p>I'm porting the classic Atari 2600 game Adventure from one tightly-limited platform to another. The goal is to be as close to the original as possible for now. I have some ideas for more rooms and monsters and whatnot, but that will have to wait.</p> <p> <table><tr><td> <a href="/bbs/?pid=79857#p"> <img src="/bbs/thumbs/pico8_poyradufa-0.png" style="height:256px"></a> </td><td width=10></td><td valign=top> <a href="/bbs/?pid=79857#p"> poyradufa</a><br><br> by <a href="/bbs/?uid=13387"> Sproaticus</a> <br><br><br> <a href="/bbs/?pid=79857#p"> [Click to Play]</a> </td></tr></table> </p> <p>I know there are other ports out there, but I'm not trying to compete with anyone, I'm just using this activity to teach myself Lua while stuck at home.</p> <p>I've been able to take full advantage of the <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=atari+adventure+source+code">original game's assembly source code</a>, and <a href="http://www.warrenrobinett.com/adventure/">slides</a> from a talk by the author.</p> <p>This has been pretty fun. The limitations of the Pico-8 platform have been challenging. You might notice that some of the mazes are different, this is due to the fact that the Atari 2600 had more horizontal &quot;tiles&quot; than the Pico-8 (20 vs 16). I adapted what I could to keep the feel of the original, even using each room's horizontal mirroring logic from the original.</p> <p>Current status is a playable game with all the items, but no monsters yet - dragons and bat have yet to be implemented.</p> <p>How to play:</p> <p>In the first screen, use the arrow keys to move the &quot;player&quot; to one of the numbers, selecting your level.</p> <p>In the game, you must find the Chalise and bring it inside the Yellow Castle. Arrow keys move your player. Bump into objects to pick them up, and use the Z key to drop them.</p> <p>Todo:</p> <p>[ ] Levels (1=basic, 2=advanced, 3=randomized)<br /> [ ] Dragons<br /> [ ] Bat<br /> [ ] Better menu screen<br /> [ ] In-game menu for various difficulty options (dragon speed, dragons fear sword, etc.)</p> <p>Cheers,<br /> Jeremy</p> https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=38959 https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=38959 Fri, 24 Jul 2020 14:55:01 UTC