Here's a level that's designed for getting high scores rather than just surviving it. Otherwise it's too easy to camp in a corner.
It was going to be a game mode in the PLAY menu, but I didn't want to clutter it.
You might notice that the player always has the sword in this one. This is an undocumented feature of the editor: to do this, set the name of a room to _dojo.

ok, so I just tried it again and it's harder than I remember.
My score: 2736 with one heart left. EDIT: 3071 / 2

So I just have to have Nameheredojo or does it have to be Namehere_Dojo?

I like the idea, this would make a great level if you ever add leaderboards.
I love the "_dojo" feature, having the same kind of feature for the other weapons (infinite ammo) would be awesome and would probably open up lots of possibilities.

Kawaiido: the whole thing has to be just:
You can't add a name to it. But note that the name field isn't particularly useful at the moment -- it's there so that the designer of the level can make a note to themselves.
yeah, it's not so fun without a high score table. I'm looking forward to getting that going, also so that people can submit stats along with (number of restarts/accuracy etc.).

I'm actually making a map with the _dojo feature since I saw it on twitter! For now it has 25 rooms with two dungeons and a "World map". I really love your game zep!

Haha, I really enjoyed this level. Great one zep, I will hopefully integrate this into some of my levels. :)
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