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Cart #sort_animated-0 | 2023-07-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This here is the sort demo by Zep that I animated. I don't really like how the code looks, but it works very well.

Hope you enjoy

EDIT: Now without the one frame delay that was in the first version




Very good game!

@RedRetroTriangle Thank you, but this was originally made by Zep. I just animated the swapping and growing/shrinking of the giraffes.


I like the animation effect, @bilodau. Gold star. For those people unfamiliar - this is a BUBBLE SORT.


It is one of the easiest ways to sort data.

While this program shows the method - the actual calculations are not displayed. A challenge for a Piconion to code, perhaps ?

@dw817 Thank you! Didn't know it was called like that.

Also, it isn't exactly bubble sorting, because it only swaps once by step.

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