A bright yellow ship is launched at full speed across the universe.
Mission code is Fulmosago. The objective : a small and well-guarded planet.
Based on Basic Shmup Tutorial by Lazy Devs Academy.
In menus, press X or C to confirm.
In game, use arrow keys to move your ship.
The ship will shoot automatically when there are enemies. Hold C to force shoot. Hold X to prevent autoshooting.
- pink pickup restores health (or add one extra heart if health is full)
- orange pickup activates double front canons
- blue pickup activates side canons (auto-guided orbs)
Listen to the soundtrack on SoundCloud.
This is my second Pico-8 game. The Lazy Devs Academy tutorial series served as a basis. From there, my main goal was to tell a simple but impactful story within a limited play time.

The story in this was great! Really fills in a narrative in a genre that is often lacking one. Amazing ending and music. Well done! 😁
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