Dig to collect gems, and don't get squashed! A wee game made in a weekend for Ludum Dare #48. You can find the compo entry here: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/48/diggleoid

this is cool! the physics surprised me at first, but then it was really fun!!!

I love this! The graphics and sound effects have so much charm (the little mole character is adorable). Best score I've made so far is 19 after getting squished in Level 2. I've discovered I am good at getting squished! And the suspense is real when you try to outrun a falling boulder or clump of dirt.

I improved my score from 48 to 55 after finally, I feel like slowly I'm getting better at knowing when stuff is supported and not but even then sometimes I get greedy and it all falls apart :D
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