Manage your very own tiny shop! Meet new people and sell them stuff! Move around furniture! Listen to the best shop music! And pay off your giant loan!
- ⬆️⬇️ ⬅️➡️(Arrow keys) to move and interact with objects
- Circle button (Z or C on keyboard) to cycle through what your carrying
- Hold X and a Direction to grab furniture or decline customers
Latest Changes
- 0.1.9
- Created a save system.
- Added a menuitem to save game.
- Added a menuitem to restart the day.
- Added the option to restart the day from the lose screen.
- Fixed loan payments going into the negative.
- Note there is a 12 item save limit for the player.
Code and Art: Munro Hoberman (Twitter)
Music: John McKinnon (Youtube)
Thanks to testers: @onygox.
Made in two weeks for #LOWREZJAM2020. Theme is Life as an NPC.

A very relaxing game with a wholesome feel. I love the music. Good luck on your Jam!

I bought it on, but I was hoping you'd make the p8 cart available at some point! Thanks again for this great little game!!!

I was playing the game and I love it! but when you buy stuff it says press x to end when you need to press z :p
Just thought I would let you know, great game!
ummm also found this:

Not sure if that's a glitch or what but it suprized me!

oof forgot to fix that btn, thanks!
hmm that shouldn't happen with the customer leaving an item on the bench. i'll look into it.
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