Drogue (from "Dale's Rogue") is kind of an homage to old-school text-based rogue-likes. The main influences when working on it were LazyDev's amazing Porklike tutorial and one of my all time favorite games, Dungeon Craw Stone Soup. It features procedural generation of interconnected levels, monsters and treasure. The ultimate goal is a McGuffin in the rogue-like tradition: the mysterious Orb of Elad. The game is complete if a bit bare-bones; if you'd like to try using it as a framework for your own text-based rogue-like, go for it!

Nice work! You really captured the classic roguelike feel. I died on floor 8. Noticed a couple minor bugs along the way:
- Sometimes items appeared in the same space as a wall, so I couldn’t pick them up.
- At one point it wouldn’t let me drink a health potion until I took something out of my inventory (which was full).
Edit: Just realized that I was only one floor from the end! I’ll have to give it another shot later.

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. I've had a devil of a time figuring out exactly where the "items in wall" bug originates from - I've spent a lot of time fiddling with what I think are the relevant variables with no fix, so I might be barking up the wrong tree there.

Congratulations ! Not only is this a superb Rogue I think you are the first Pico-8 coder to actually use the default font and characters as graphic representation for an adventure game.
Very well done ! Gold star for you.

Nice. I recognize a lot of these monsters from DCSS :)
A bit too random in the beginning, surviving seemed possible only by finding enough health potions or a good armor early on.
There was a mention of store in the instructions, but I never saw one.
Aside from the items in walls bug I had one instance of monster in a wall. I think it was a Jackal that followed me when I escaped to the next level.
One tactic I figured out: It's possible to get the monsters to hit each other. With two monsters it works like this.
... @JJ ... |
Hit the first monster, the one on the back tries to move around.
..J @J. ... |
Move up, the first monster moves up, but and the monster farther away tries to move towards you to left. One of them will try to hit the other. Repeat.
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