Working on a simple desktop-based PICO-8 IDE for Windows/Linux/MacOS. Features: syntax highlighting, code overview, reads/writes the P8 file format, copy/paste sprites directly to system clipboard for easy interop, large map editor.

What other features would you enjoy in a desktop IDE?

(same as my tweet comment)
I would not bother starting a new editor given the infinite set of features already available in pick your favorite editor but rather a plugin to an existing one.

I like these kinds of projects because plugins never give me exactly what I want. For PICO-8 I've used Vim, Sublime Text, and I think one other editor (all with plugins) and I always ended up back with the default editor. Also, having graphics/music editing along with it is part of the fun. Once I get into having one program running for my graphics, one running for editing code, one for audio, etc... I might as well use a different library. But, that's just me.
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