Hi everyone! Here goes my first submitted thing : a recreation of the good old rotoscaling effect, quite known in the demoscene... scene... in way less than 1kb of code. I made it fit to a round 1kb by comments in the source code to explain some tricks about the calculation.
Rotoscaling is based on two things : rotation (good old cossin sin-cos) and scaling. I precalculate scaled sine and cosine tables according to the current angle in the update loop to gain some overall speed.
I programmed it on the alpha 0.0.5. I don't know if anything changed around to the speed/cpu usage but this should run quite quickly (don't expect 30 FPS neither, I couldn't make the pixel blit faster) on the 0.1 alpha.
I really liked playing with PICO and I'm not done at all with it! :D

COOOL!!!!! Can you show me the code used to make this effect?
I am bad at coding. I don't know what I am going to do with it but maybe I can do something.

I am base at coding, too. In fact, I don't really know how to code.

Sure, you can download and load the cartridge, but well, here goes the source code : https://gist.github.com/Eiyeron/47d9314700a4b131cca7
Have fun reading through it! ;)

I wonder is there a way to optimise this? I guess that the 128 * 128 loop + "psetting" every single pixel manually kills the performence.
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