Stonekeep's Dungeon is a simple Dungeon Crawler inspired by first Wizardry and its clones.
Any comments, criticisms or ideas are welcome :)
release 1.2.0 (2024-10-10)
- tweaked level of character in recruit screen
- corpse are replaced with chest that can be locked
release 1.1.10 (2024-08-15)
- tweaked screen navigation and save points
release 1.1.9 (2024-08-13)
- maximum health point are at least 1
- add remaining mana point to spell screen
- fix recruit screen
- tweaked default party
release 1.1.8 (2024-08-13)
- fix regression bug in combat
- fix regression bug in item creation
- code optimization
release 1.1.7 (2024-08-12)
- maximum health point are at least 2
(no more instant kill for VIT- effect) - remove one-hit kill protection
- add sfx for exploration and combat
- add a proper intro screen
release 1.1.6 (2024-07-30)
- reduced credits found in chest and corpse
- tweaked AC calculation (now with Guard you can have -16 of AC)
- avoid one-hit kill (but not for effects or traps)
- small fixes
release 1.1.5 (2024-07-27)
- decrease encounter ratio
- fixed and tweaked hiding (now is 12% * targetable group members)
- tweaked item quantity in chests
- fixed un-armed (fists) range
release 1.1.4 (2024-07-25)
- small fixes
- fix dagger
- tweaked sword and mace
- more value (cr) to item AC
- decrease encounter ratio
- remove RIGE spell to Cleric
- remove HEAL spell to Mage
release 1.1.3 (2024-07-19)
- trap damage all party
- party can avoid trap (no more "disable")
release 1.1.2 (2024-07-16)
- fix a big bug in combat
release 1.1.1 (2024-07-14)
- small fixes
release 1.1.0 (2024-07-13)
- tweaked ui
- be aware, traps spotted
release 1.0.9 (2024-07-11)
- initial party is allways the same (no more random party). You can change it at the inn as allways.
- tweaked "flee" chance
release 1.0.8 (2024-07-09)
- tweaked party ui
- small fixes in ui
release 1.0.7 (2024-07-06)
- tweaked monters and pc icons
- replaced the archaeologist with the rogue. It better fits the lore
- fix: you can not change party position of death adventurers
- removed "<name> is confused." text
- tweaked death message in combat
- fix: dead pc can not cast spell or use items
release 1.0.6 (2024-07-03)
- fix spell learning
(now depends on Max Mana Point as intended and not on level)
release 1.0.5 (2024-07-01)
- tweaked party ui
- updated deepest dungeon levels graphics
- tweaked elf stats
- level of new adventurers in the inn depends on dungeon floor (min(1,floor\2))
release 1.0.4 (2024-06-30)
- improved party ui
release 1.0.3 (2024-06-30)
- tweaked elf race
- code cleanup
- updated end text
- add class icons
release 1.0.2 (2024-06-19)
- code cleanup
- restored "<name> is confused." text
- female pc has int+1 instead dex+1
- party position in minimap is more visible
release 1.0.1 (2024-06-18)
- fixed range system when a character hits a friendly
(range now goes from 1 to 3 instead of 0 to 2) - confused character (conf) allways attack allies (except hidden ones)
- removed "<name> is confused." text
release 1.0.0 (2024-06-16)
- tweaked target screen
- small updates to party screen
- tweaked encounter ratio
- you have 1 chance to open locked chests
- fixed a combat end bug
release 0.9.15 (2024-06-15)
- small fix in pc equipment ui
- fixed spells. You can not cast spell if you do not have enough mana points.
- fixed pc equip screen
- fixed item info
- tweaked encouter spawn
- fixed rest. It does not revives death pc
- tweaked "blind" effect
- improved Book of Knowledge
release 0.9.14 (2024-06-15)
- tweaked "blind" effect
- decreased items found in chest and corpse
- tweaked mana point needed to cast spells
- tweaked spell learning levels
- fix a bug in "resist" system
- game is saved when entering in dungeon
release 0.9.12 (2024-06-12)
- increased chanche to find a corpse
- fix effects bugs
release 0.9.11 (2024-06-12)
- fixed robe (now all races can wear it)
- fixed combat messages (sometimes indicate hits instead of misses)
- fix combat end (it gives a no valid target instead a hit message)
- lowered all monster's attributes
- party can rests for 2 credits instead of 20
- spear is less protective
- shield and bucker are more protective
release 0.9.10 (2024-06-11)
- dungeon floors are reduced to 16x16
- level-up requires far less experience
- removed spells and effects that buff/debuff AC. Use spells that change DEX instead.
- now you can find corpses to loot during exploration (they are rare but with good items).
- fixed equipment AC
- fixed equipment attributes
- fixed item description
You need to reset the game (select "reset" on menu)
release 0.9.9 (2024-06-10)
- tweaked weapon range
- changed "hidden" skill (see B.o.K.)
- update Book of Knowledge (B.o.K.)
- updated assassin class attributes
- flying monsters does not have range penalties
- add the last 2 monsters
- tweaked monster attributes and presence
The game's content is complete.
release 0.9.8 (2024-06-09)
- add ending message when Darkthor is defeated
- fixed two handed weapons
- update book of knowledge
release 0.9.7 (2024-06-08)
- almost all levels have different graphic
- fixed save game bug
- spear and staff are two handed weapons
character can not equip shield - monster knight wields sword instead spear
- fixed skeleton graphic
- tweaked mimic graphic
You need to reset the game (select "reset" on menu)
release 0.9.6 (2024-06-05)
- tweaked hide system
- fixed bugs in spell system
- more variation in graphics between dungeon levels
release 0.9.5 (2024-06-04)
- fixed Drackthor
- fixed some monsters
- fixed possible errors in combat
- add option "guard" in combat.
PC skips turn, but lowers it's AC - tweaked spellbook ui
- updated book of knowledge
You need to reset the game (select "reset" on menu)
release 0.9.4 (2024-06-02)
- updated book of knowledge
- fixed equipment screen
- add assassin class
- add skill system
- thief can unlock chest (other classes have a chance of 5%)
- fighter doubles damage when wields a weapon.
- assassin can hide (25%). When assasin is hidden can not be attacked and doubles damage when wields a weapon.
You need to reset the game (select "reset" on menu)
release 0.9.3 (2024-05-30)
- improved book of knowledge
- improved ui in party ranks
- dungeon boss monster has a name!
release 0.9.2 (2024-05-28)
- add music
- fixed shop and buy screens
- fixed combat messages
- improved party formation screen (ranks)
- dungeon floor are 32x32 in size
You need to reset the game (select "reset" on menu)
release 0.9.1 (2024-05-27)
- improved info during combat
- improved info in the "Book of Knowledge"
release 0.9.0 (2024-05-26)
- first release

Neat game! I tried to outfit my party, but some characters couldn't equip items I had bought and I wasn't sure why. Will check back on this later!

Not all items can be used by classes (or races). You can find out which class (or race) can use an item by looking at the info in "The gallant Gear"

Cool game! I enjoy the wizardry look. I enjoy a good dungeon crawler.
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