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The Picotron palette was quite chaotic and the numbering wasn't very intuitive to me (probably due to being backwards compatible with PICO-8). I thought it might be nice to have an easy reference within reach so I don't need to open a forum post or wiki page whenever I need to work with colors. If you'd like to add this widget yourself, here are the steps:

  1. create a file named "colors.lua" and place it somewhere that makes sense to you (mine is in /appdata/local/tooltray/colors.lua)
    -- colors.lua
    local GRID_SIZE=20
    local palette={0,20,4,31,15,8,24,2,21,5,22,6,7,23,14,30,1,16,17,12,28,29,13,18,19,3,27,11,26,10,9,25}
    function _draw()
        for i=1,32 do
            local x = ((i-1)%8)*GRID_SIZE
            local y = ((i-1)//8)*GRID_SIZE
            if palette[i] == 7 then print(palette[i],x+3,y+3,0) end
  2. create or open "/appdata/system/startup.lua" and add this line: (be sure to edit the path parameter)
    -- /appdata/system/startup.lua
    -- edit the x and y to place the widget wherever you want; width and height should stay the same as below
    create_process("/path/to/your/colors.lua", {window_attribs = {workspace = "tooltray", x=2, y=36, width=160, height=80}})
  3. restart Picotron and enjoy your new widget!

Curious about the Pomodoro timer? You can find that here.



Very nice! This will be a great help! For me, I think I'll rework the table to have a single row across the top

I did everything you described and it doesn't show in my tooltray when I drag down.

@arrowonionbelly, did you change the path to your colors.lua file in startup.lua? Copying and pasting isn't enough 💜


Thank you! I've made mine a bit more compact and only wrapping 2 lines.
If you'd also like to do this

  • in colors.lua change the GRID_SIZE to 12
  • local x and y to break after 16 instead of 8 [local x = ((i-1)%16)*GRID_SIZE]
  • padding from 3 down to 1 [print(palette[i],x+1,y+1,7)]
  • in startup.lua change width to 192 and height to 24

I've been using this and it's really helpful. Here's a version that includes the letter codes (for p8scii color escape codes: \f<color>).

local GRID_SIZE=20
local palette={0,20,4,31,15,8,24,2,21,5,22,6,7,23,14,30,1,16,17,12,28,29,13,18,19,3,27,11,26,10,9,25}
function _draw()
	for i=1,32 do
		local x = ((i-1)%8)*GRID_SIZE
		local y = ((i-1)//8)*GRID_SIZE
		if palette[i] > 9 then
			print(chr(ord("a") + palette[i] - 10),x+3,y+11,7)

		if palette[i] == 7 then print(palette[i],x+3,y+3,0) end

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