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Cart #yuwesowozo-0 | 2022-02-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

About this game

This is a remake of Burger Time, Data East.
Move to step on hamburger materials. Drop all materials to complete hamburgers. There are three stages.
No enemy appears in EASY mode. Enemies appear in HARD mode.
You can attack the enemies using pepper but it only can stop them temporally. You can crush them by dropping materials on them.

If you drop a material with enemies on, the material drops many steps and earns 1000 points per enemies on. This is a good technic to complete the hamburgers speedy, get high score, and get extra player for every 10000 points.
If enemies hit you, HP meter above decreases. When HP meter become empty, you lose a player.
Items appear periodically and getting it recovers a pepper and HP meter.


  • D-Pad/Arrows: move left/right/up/down
  • O/Z: pepper to attack

About the character

The playable character is HAMBURGER-chan, a Japanese creator's self-image character. He draws her in his picture diary as himself. She is pretty and there are many fan arts in Japan. This game is one of the fan arts.


Its not bad at all - nice graphics and characters. However one large element of frustration for me was that I found getting off at the middle of a ladder was much harder than it should have been. If you can improve this, it will certainly increase the "fun" factor.

Thank you for playing and writing a comment. I agree with that the getting off a ladder often take time and it makes player feel frustration.

I left it as-is because the original game "Burger Time" has the same behavior. And one more reason is that I didn't know how to resolve it.

Now I have an idea to resolve it. I'll try to implement more smooth moving to floor.

Actually @phil has a valid point, @marcydog. I have played the original arcade version of Burgertime and you can stand a step higher than the floor to step off to the left left or right.

In this game you cannot. You must be pixel perfect to step off the ladder.

Also I'm certain this is by choice, this game runs a whole lot faster than the original. If you examine the video HERE:


You can see Peter Pepper really bobbing up and down on the stairs, but not climbing them as quickly nor moving as quickly left and right. Further the enemies run slower.

Thank you @dw817. I'll try to move more smoothly but the behavior might be different from the original.

I'm not going to implement the game to be perfect clone. Yes I know the player's speed is faster. The reason I made it so is that I think it would be more comfortable to play and more casual than the original.

Well, I found fixing the player to move more smoothly is a little difficult for me and I gave up on it. I'll try when making other games.

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